Industrial calibration
Electrical instruments and test equipment can be found in almost every industrial manufacturing or working company. The Industrial Calibration department at esz AG calibrates most quantities and calibration objects in the DC and low-frequency range. Multifunction calibrators for current, voltage and resistance, oscilloscope calibration stations, counters, signal generators and, of course, high-resolution multimeters are used for this purpose. Our measuring stations for standard electrical quantities and standard electrical technology enable precise calibration of the most common instruments used in industrial measurement technology. With accreditations in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, it is one of the largest electrical and industrial DAkkS-accredited calibration laboratories in Europe. esz AG covers more than 95% of all industrial measurement technology – benefit from this range of services. We’ll be happy to provide you with a no obligation quote for the calibration of your measuring devices. Our web-based software solution asset expert plus takes over the cross-company management of your test equipment. With asset expert, you can ensure regular Calibration of your measuring equipment and benefit from more service and reliability in your quality assurance. Service With the esz AG collection and delivery service, your sensitive test equipment is always in safe hands. Choose between individual collection and delivery or our weekly delivery service with fixed routes. Electrical calibrations have been an integral part of the esz AG laboratory since 1980. At that time, as a service laboratory still specialising in the calibration of repaired devices, the company worked very early on with high-end calibration techniques and the first AC/DC calibrators, the use of which had previously only been reserved for the military, aviation and medical technology.Industrial quantities
Coverage of more than 95% of industrial measurement technology
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Test equipment management
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